I find these HOAs that govern free-standing homes to be pretty creepy

Yeah, I used to feel that way ("Nobody can tell ME what to do with my own property..." and all that) but then I started looking around my own neighborhood.

The attached photo shows a pretty nice house and yard about a mile and a half from where I live. In today's real estate market, it would sell for about $350K. Now scroll down and look at the picture immediately beneath the first one.

That house is immediately next door to the first one. You could stand on the roof of the first house and easily hit the house next door with a rock. The picture of the second house does not do justice to the full impact of that place. I could have taken four pictures of that yard, all with near identical content without any overlap.

The irony is, I knew the previous owners of house #2, and when they owned it (and when the first house was built) it was a showcase. Not fancy or expensive (a double-wide mobile home) but immaculate, with a circular driveway outlined with white stones, everything neat as a pin.

I'll bet the owners of the first house wish that there were some kind of home owners' agreement in place.


305075-HOA.JPG (197 downloads)

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"