You need:
-The developer image on your Mk1/Mk2.
-empanim, by Dava, attached a few posts up, copied to the empeg from a terminal emulator. I put it in /empeg/var.
-an animation file (.ema) to pass to empanim

If you type just "./empanim" from the directory where you uploaded it to, it will show you the parameters. For example, to run the matrix animation, type:
"./empanim 0 240 (lt)matrix.ema" (Sorry, "(lt)" should be replaced by the LessThan sign. The BBS won't show it right.)

What's giving you problems?

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
_~= Dearing =~_
Gettin' back into it thanks to slimrio!