Could this easily work using an iPhones Safari browser or too complicated to implement?
I've fixed a JavaScript error in the attached version which prevented the interface from working in Safari (3.x beta on Windows).
Perhaps this will fix it on the iPhone/Mac...
Here (attached) is a slightly hacked update to 0.70 (above). This one adds a fully functional
Rio Remote to the interface.
But it still needs some work, as wide playlists will overlap the Rio Remote.. need to resolve this somehow. Ideally, some AJAX wizard here would make the remote a
floating image, that could be dragged around the screen at will. I think that would be super cool, but I don't know how to do it off-hand.
Also, it would be
really nice to have the
Button Guide information pop-up as help text when one hovers over a button for more than xx seconds.
Anyone here know how to do those simple things ?