Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I'm pretty frustrated.

I also think the tomato firmware is fantastic for all the reasons Tony said in the first post. It's just so easy to install, configure, and use. The problem? Today it's almost completely unusable. I don't know if it's because development for it has stopped, but the firmware only supports WRT54G models 1-4, and those models are more or less impossible to find in stores.

Yesterday I was configuring a router of mine to install in a client's home. It was a v5 WRT54G, and I decided to put DD-WRT on it, as I'd put it on a v8 router recently. That process had been anything but simple, but it worked. This process was not simple at all, and in the end I wound up with what appears to be a non-functioning router (it refuses to get an IP from the modem, and wireless devices can't see it even though wireless is turned on).

The folks at DD-WRT seem completely uninterested in making their project make the least bit of sense. Simply finding out what to download is a maddening process, as they have hundreds of folders with no descriptions on them. I followed the guide they linked to for my router's version, but the guide had dead links to the firmware, which is kind of essential in my mind.

So I'm not sure what to do now. I used Sveasoft a long while ago (I think I used to send you updated firmwares, Bruno), but that wasn't much better in the ease of use department.

Does anyone know of a source for pre-v5 WRT54G's? Does anyone know of a firmware like Tomato with low potential for bricking my device and won't make me tear my hair out when installing it?


ps- looks like OpenWRT doesn't support anything post-v4 either.

Edited by Dignan (28/08/2008 10:28)