So, after a hard day at work, here I am back with my iPod agenda.
... I am now desperately trying to install a USA firmware. I found an old 1.0.3, and followed the procedure to downgrade, which, according to dozens of thread I've read, is:
1. I placed both formware and signature files in the C:\users\taym\AppData\Apple Computers\iTunes\iTunes Software Updates, right where the 2.01 files used to be.
2. Removed from that same location the most recent files.
3. Reset the iPod (Menu+central Button)
4. Plugged it into my pc's usb port
5. Launched iTunes, and clicked RESTORE
6. Refused to check on line updates (automatic check was already disabled)
7. Was prompted to restore to current version of software or cancel the operation.
At point 7 I should've had an option to downgrade to a previous version, but no such button was there.
I read that by clicking SHIFT+RESET I shoul've obtain some menu or browse window that would allow me to select an older firmware manually, but SHIFT+RESTORE did not produce anything on screen.
I found one post where it is said that Apple disabled SHIFT+RESTORE in more recent versions of iTune (why, oh why?).
So, it seems I am stuck with the EU capped firmware.

What If i format the iPod HDD from Windows? Would I destroy all data or is there some hidden partition or else that would survive? Would I be able to restart from scratch with whatever firmware I want? Would I kill my iPod permanently?