(The single best thing Apple could do to improve my life with my iPhone is to do caching properly with the browser, such that when you open a new pane, do some surfing, and come back, it doesn't have to re-render the page from scratch. This could certainly be done without requiring new hardware.)
It does require new hardware - the memory that the old page was rendered in has been reused by the new browser tab; when more memory is required stuff gets turfed out forcing the re-render. More memory helps this, obviously

The phone home stuff is very likely to be the (already documented) XMPP jabber session that is used for mobileme/yahoo/notification pushes, which is encrypted. Not speaking from a position of knowing anything here, just from a position of thinking that the wheel is unlikely to have been reinvented.
There was already remote wipe for exchange users, which uses the exchange persistent connection stuff.