I didn't say anything about weight. That was Tom. There's a lot more to the the built-in battery than weight. I use a 17" MBP, so size/weight aren't of huge concern (not within Apple's ranges anyway).
What a silly point. Saying that they "could have done X" to the Macbook Pro (where X is a crazy feature nobody has ever asked for) doesn't mean that taking away feature Y (where Y is a feature many users find useful) is a good thing.
I thought I'd make my point fun, but it wasn't silly. If it were silly, why would so many other manufacturers put in exactly the features I described? If no one wants those features why are they in every POS notebook made by every POS manufacturer like Acer, Toshiba, Dell, etc. ?
Seriously, you overestimate, by orders of magnitude, how many people care at all about a removable battery. I'm a power user and I don't. I'm not using myself as an extension of the market at large of course. But I know people who have used notebooks for years and have no clue that their batteries even come out, let alone how to remove them. You seriously over-estimate the notebook buying public.
As I've said previously, I saw the figure of about 1% tossed around, but I suspect it's even lower than that.
What I do care about is using the best notebook money can buy. Would the MBP still be the best with a removable battery? Damn straight. Would the battery be as high capacity as it is now? Not likely. Would the unibody structure suffer from the extra trap door? Yes it would. It would still be the best, just not as good as it is now.
As long as the battery can be replaced when it's no longer optimally functional, the current design is well suited to the 98%+ of people who don't argue about this stuff in forums and the 1% who do and can live with it. The other 1%? Sorry, I don't have an answer for them except to give it a try.
I'm not trying to say that you're wrong for wanting a removable battery. That desire can't be wrong. What I'm saying is that the decision wasn't made to screw the percentage of people who care about that sort of thing. It was made to create the best notebook experience for the largest consumer segment possible. Many things likely factor into that, including weight, size, energy capacity and of course cost.
It's just not a concern for the vast majority of customers. There are a number of things, outside the gimicky garbage I mentioned previously, that I'd really like to see in Apple's notebook line that isn't in there now or has never been there before.
And no, a biometric sensor is definitely not one of those things.