My title is Sr. Systems Analyst. That basically describes my pay scale and not what I do.

Three quick questions:
- What skills do you use most at work? ie: personal, problem solving, creativity, etc.
«» Trouble shooting, creativity, and putting up with assholes while keeping your mouth shut.

- What's the stress level and how do you cope with it?
«» Seems to depend on my manager. Right now I have no stress. I work from home and all is good, at the moment.

- What were one or two of the most fun things you've done at the job?
«» Got published in a trade magazine for creating some fancy applications.
«» When times were good traveled a lot to conferences and classes in warmer places. Even got the company to rent me a convertible on one trip to LA.

Advise – Pick a particular specialty in the IT world and work toward that line of work. Example: Oracle DBA, SAP technical or functional expert, Sun UNIX…