Ok, so I'll find out in a few weeks how well all this stuff works. I bought a Holux logger with the same MTK chipset (with 32 channels) as that i_blue model previously mentioned, along with that AOKA bluetooth receiver. $165 total, shipped. Ordered from two different places, the GPS from Amazon. Had I found the AOKA site earlier I could have gotten everything from there and saved myself $6 or so.

Next I'm going to take a look at some of the photo GPS software for the Mac to both enable me to import the log data and tag photos. For the Nikon images the software will read the coords already in the photos and then reverse geo-code to find the country and city names. For photos from other cameras, it will time-stamp match photos with logged coords, tag the coords and the reverse-geocode stuff to the photos.

Here's a site reviewing a few of the GPS photo programs for Mac OS:

Updated: I first tried their recommended GeoPhoto, but I think it sucks. So far, the best (by far) seems to be the commercial version of PhotoLinker, which costs $50. It needs some UI updating, a nicer web site and better screenshots to make it really pop at first glance, but the screencast the author created really helps to sell it. And make it painfully obvious that it's a lot better and has many more features and capabilities than the other programs.

You know what I just thought of (sarcasm)? This would be a nice feature to have in Lightroom. It's probably better externally anyway as Adobe would probably fuck it up.

Edited by hybrid8 (07/02/2010 17:25)
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software