Biggest disappointment so far: GV Mobile+
Not the App's fault I suppose, it's just that Google Voice is sort of a lame duck. I still fail to see the point in it without voip integration. It's basically calling treatments and voice mail - sort of like a simplified PBX I suppose. Something you already get with most VOIP providers.
You can't actually make outgoing calls with Google Voice. Incoming calls must be forwarded to another active number. It saves voice mail to an email-like mailbox and it has SMS.
To me, SMS is the only interesting bit - because everything else I already have with two VOIP providers.

What I CAN fault GV Mobile+ for is its lack of support for other telephony programs on iPhone, such as the many dedicated (branded) and SIP-based VOIP apps. It seems to only want to use the built-in MobilePhone app, which means it's not going to be possible to use it for outgoing calls.
I think I'm just going to spend my time evaluating all the SIP-based software. And instead of GV Mobile+ I can probably get away with an SMS-only app that uses GV to keep things cleaner. GVM+ will be revisited once it gets its promised/announced VOIP support.