I can't write much at the moment, but what I'm hearing is "I already have what Google Voice offers, so I don't need it and therefore it's a useless product." That seems a little ridiculous to me. I don't have any other means of getting anything that GV offers me, so GV is a great product (and free, too). And I disagree that tons of people have the features that you're describing.
I also still think that chastising the service for not being VOIP, when it never claimed to be VOIP, is odd.
And no, I don't get the problem where a random number shows up on the caller ID, either for incoming or outgoing calls. I understand why it uses this, and it's never been a problem for me. It really sounds like this is an iPhone issue.
I should have clarified what I meant by "taking my carrier out of the loop" (and you have to ascribe at least SOME context to what I was saying at that point, Bruno). GV essentially lets me use my cell carrier as a dumb pipe. I'm not dependent on them for a cell phone number or a voicemail box (and SMS, of course).
If I have time later I'll make an attempt (which will be in vain) to give you a reason to use GV. But since you already have many of the services it offers, and assume that the majority of everyone else does too (which is not the case), and it's also impossible to convince you of anything at all, I'm not sure if I'll get around to it.