and if your driver can't handle spanning to another page, it may cut off the document.
As I found out.
What I finally ended up doing is so dumb I hate to admit it, but I couldn't figure any other way.
I set my screen window to a size that would emulate the aspect ratio of a legal size piece of paper in landscape orientation. Then I zoomed the screen image to fill that window, did a print screen to the clipboard, pasted the clipboard into my paint program (, selected and kept only the part of the image I wanted, re-sized that to 14 x 8.5 inches, and printed it. I did this for each of the 9 pages.
I kept my left and right margins pretty tight, and I figure I got about a 90% increase in print size, going from the 7" width of the original document (generous margins) to a 13.5" width on the legal size landscape printout. Pagination was completely manual, of course.
I can't believe I told that very nice lady (mi Maestra de espaņol) that this was a simple job. I even tried to talk her through it on the phone until we discovered she had Microsoft Works and I thought we were using Microsoft Word. Who'da thunk it?