Doug, you need to get a Mac.

Mac OS seems to support automatic page spanning when you increase the output size.
I could never afford a Macintosh. Oh, the computer is cheap enough, but it would prove to be very expensive replacing the eight-foot-tall sliding glass doors every time I got so frustrated with the damned thing that I pitched it through the window!

SWMBO has a Macintosh, a religious difference that at times appeared to threaten our marriage. I know that some, perhaps most, of my antipathy is of the "It's different from what I'm used to, so it can't be any good" variety, but there are aspects of it that I just absolutely despise. [Just one example: the way windows shrink down and zoom all over the screen should you move the cursor beyond the window boundary.]
Anyway, Microsoft Word supports page spanning when I increase the output size... but in this particular case, there was so much formatting within the document that increasing the font size caused all kinds of word-wrap problems within the formatted blocks, and the formatting of those blocks was so arcane as to be impossible to adjust.
I know that the Macintosh is more graphically oriented than a Windows machine, and if you can indeed take a text document and increase its size by an arbitrary percentage and have it print that way, that's impressive. In Windows I can do that with a graphics file, and even with a text file if it isn't all full of tabs, tables, and graphics, although not in as elegant a fashion as applying a percentage increase; instead, I just change the font size from, say, 8-point to 16-point and the document reformats and repaginates.
Whatever the case, the job is done in however ugly a fashion, and my Maestra is pleased with the results.