Originally Posted By: canuckInOR
Originally Posted By: wfaulk
These idiots need to know that they're idiots. Anyone have any good ideas about what I should do or say?

Don't? As in, don't bother, because you're wasting your breath -- the person you unload on will be unlikely to affect any changes.

You could certainly call them to demand a refund for the un-provided services, and see what you can get from their customer retention operator.

I have to agree. Bitt, you know these people follow a script. They're probably only marginally trained on/familiar with your particular type of service, and if they've followed that script as far as they can go, it probably leads them to a response like "there's a problem with your tower." You can call back and tell them they're idiots, but it won't even be the same people, and the new person won't know what you're talking about.

I think the best you can hope for is to call back and get to the billing department. At the very least I'm sure they'll refund your $1.50, and that might not be worth your time but you'll at least feel like you've gotten something out of them. That's a buck fifty that won't go towards the tip a T-Mo exec leaves at their lunch with the AT&T execs.

Besides, frequently you'll get more out of it. Verizon gave me way more than I expected when I called to complain about my connection problems.

And just think, T-Mobile is considered to have some of the best customer service when it comes to the cell carriers. Just wait until they're gobbled up.

It's killing me that I can't identify my next phone yet. I love my Nexus One, but I want to sell it while I can still get something for it. I know the changes are a long ways off, but the prices for N1's have been dropping precipitously since the buyout news and T-Mo's lost hundreds of thousands of customers since then as well.