Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: Dignan
It's killing me that I can't identify my next phone yet. I love my Nexus One

Don't like the Nexus S?

I do, but when it comes down to it, unfortunately things are in a bit of a transition period right now with Android phones. In the past there have always been new Android phones around the corner, but now the technology is in a lot of transition too. "4G," dual-core chips, better screens, etc.

When it comes down to it, I like the Nexus S, but if I'm going to trade in my Nexus One for a phone that's going to lock me into a 2-year contract, I want brand new tech, not something that's been out for many months with the only addition being a "4G" radio. And if I'm going with someone's "4G," I'd rather it be Verizon's "4G."

There's one last odd thing keeping me holding on to my beloved Nexus One: the dock. I honestly don't think there's a better docking method** out there on the market right now, and I've never seen it implemented on any of the recent phones. Most of them don't seem to have any docks at all. Doesn't anyone know if any of the newer HTC phones have the same contacts at the bottom?

So yeah, I haven't even gone into full detail on all of this. I have a specific list of things I'm looking for in my next phone, I'm just hoping it comes out soon before my N1 is worth $10 on the market.

**it's the best method IF you don't use a case, but cases mess up most docks anyway.