I have the Galaxy Nexus. I'm going to keep this short because I have a lot of playing to do

I can say, however, that this phone is phenomenal. The screen is gorgeous, and I think the hardware is great. No, it doesn't feel as well built as the iPhone, but I also don't think it feels as cheap/"plasticy" as the Galaxy S series of phones. I think it feels just right, with just the right amount of heft and solidity (if I can describe it that way).
Despite the extremely soft launch of the phone, there were 8 people at my local Verizon store waiting to get in, and I'd say that by the time I left the store an hour later (after I got the phone I geeked out with a couple other Galaxy Nexus owners), at least 20 people had gotten their phone and there were 20 more waiting. Considering it's also being sold at Best Buy, Radio Shack, and even Costco, I think we could see big sales numbers for the phone. Clearly not iPhone numbers, but big numbers still.
Okay, have to go now. This phone is nuts. I'm loving it already. Oh wait, here's a couple quick impressions:
Face unlock - gimmicky, but a gimmick that works surprisingly well when it does. I'm able to unlock faster than doing a pattern. However, I can't wear sunglasses most of the time and I have to be pretty straight-on. No matter, I can still use a pattern if it fails. It's clearly not a great security tool, because a photo of you can fool it, but it's something.
Camera - SUPER FAST! As some reviewers have said, it's actually a little TOO fast sometimes, and you end up with some blurry photos. I think that will take some adjusting but eventually I'll get it down.
Beam - as I said, I geeked out with another guy there who was just as excited and over the moon about the phone as I was. We tried the beam feature and it's pretty damn great. You simply hold the phones up to each other, tap your screen, and the other person has what you sent. We tried it with a map and then with apps, and both worked beautifully. It's really cool, and I can't wait for more NFC ICS phones to get out there.
That's all I can think about at the moment... gotta go play... for real this time... SUPER EXCITED!