At this point my number one complaint is the accessory support. It's weird to say that I feel betrayed by a manufacturer/carrier, and when I think that I also have to remember that there's worse things in the world

But still, I've followed this phone from rumors to announcement. Through speculation and rumors to standing outside a Verizon store on release day. To have Samsung and Verizon screw this phone up so much is infuriating. I really want to find someone at Samsung and ask them why the LTE version of the phone has those contacts on it. Was it just too much money to change the manufacturing line?
Or rather, isn't this something that journalists are supposed to do? I've been waiting for someone from Engadget or the Verge to hold Samsung/Verizon's feet to the fire, but I don't think that's going to happen. It's too minor a story in the grand scheme of consumer electronics. But I'm not sure they'd know how to do it even if they were interested...
Anyway, that's my major complaint. I still don't have a dock and that's frustrating for my daily routine. Other than that I've not had problems with the screen (I thought I did at first, but I for some reason it's not bothering me now), the battery life is sufficient for my needs, and the reception is what I'd hoped for. The speeds on 4G are still insane, too.