Tom, as usual I think it's really what fits you personally. With the Apple ecosystem they have the benefit of building all the hardware and all the software. That gives you a ton of great benefits.
No, I still don't think you'll like Android, Tom. The phones are really nice and the operating system has matured to a really great point now, but it just doesn't fit you, and that's fine. I love it, but that doesn't mean you have to.
I'll address some specific points:
I edit an address on my desktop using a local application, and my phone has the new address in seconds.
Ah, see, you take out "using a local application" and it's the same thing. This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about when I say that the alternative ecosystem doesn't fit you, because I don't care - nay, I prefer - that my contacts are all on the web.
I have a YouTube video on the phone I want to share with friends, so I turn on the TV and display it using AirPlay.
Just FYI, this is easily done between an Android phone and a Google TV. Plus, I can do it at any time, like in the middle of watching TV since I don't have to change inputs.
I edit a spreadsheet on the desktop, then edit later on the phone. No manual syncing or digging through folders to find a file.
I don't understand the second part of that. Manual syncing?
My router detects a problem with the internet connection and an app on the desktop reports the problem to me.
Bah, easy. My browser tells me that. It's called "I can't get to anything on the internet"