Originally Posted By: DWallach
Originally Posted By: Dignan
- I really like that it's a combination sensor. To combine heat, light, and motion into one sensor alone is pretty impressive. I know the price seems pretty steep, but I haven't seen a sensor that does those three things alone for less than $75, and this is also a smoke/CO sensor, which doesn't exist for any other HA systems for some reason.

Clearly, they're doing a lot of their engineering with an eye toward the future. The original Nest thermostat had an 802.15.4 antenna, and it was unused. Now, it's used to integrate with these smoke detectors.

Actually, I'm not sure it is. I believe they use the wifi for that, based on talking with the nest guys in the pub last week. Seems that the zigbee chip they asked me to design into the original nest is useless smile

(I was ribbing them about their prehistoric wifi setup method, and asking why the nest protects couldn't get the wifi setup information over zigbee from the thermostat)