Originally Posted By: andy
Have you tried the dedicated utility that which ever brand the SSD is from provide ?

I don't see such a tool, and nothing was on the drive.

Originally Posted By: mlord
I did this sort of thing just yesterday for a pal. Very simple:

Boot from a Linux Live stick/cd, use gparted (GUI) to resize the Windows NTFS partition small enough to fit on the SSD, and then just do something akin to this:

sudo cat /dev/sda > /dev/sdb ## sda is old drive, sdb is SSD

Thanks Mark. I did do the partitioning with GParted, and I can try the sudo command you mention. The #'s comment out that last part, right? Sorry, I'm not familiar with Linux shell commands.

I'm also planning on trying something else before I attempt another cloning. I want to move the boot information from the separate partition that Windows creates on install to the C: drive. I can't find any info online about why there's even a second partition for this in the first place. All I can tell is that it makes a multi-boot computer easier to set up, but I don't care about that.

Edited by Dignan (30/03/2014 14:50)