There's the problem. Not reachable without significant (and heavy) furniture moving involving power tools. (Really! I have my floor protector mat fastened to the computer hutch to keep it from sliding around when I move my chair.)
The computer is now at the computer shop, and I am typing this on SWMBO's iMac. I'll probably be traumatized for days.

I followed Mark's advice and re-enabled ErP in the BIOS, with the end result that I bricked the computer. My first thought, and the shop concurs, is that I have a wonky power supply. The PS came from my old computer and is eight years old and perhaps isn't compatible with the new always-on motherboards. I noticed that when trying to get it to start with ErP enabled, the LEDs on my USB hubs would flicker and go out, over and over, as though the PS were trying to start the computer but just coudn't make it. Of course since it now
won't start, I can't disable the ErP.
I'll know more on Monday, possibly today if they can get the 650-Watt power supply from Guadalajara in time to install/test it.