musk AMA on Twitter last night.
Tim, I mean: in general terms, absence of a grid is good for aerodynamics because it *decreases* turbulence. In other words, it is easier to decrease turbulence w/o a grid. Then of course specific designs with and w/o grid would need to be compared, of course, to say. A bad gridless design could produce a worst CX than a good grid design.
Anyway, Tesla is aiming at 0.21 CX on model 3. That is going to be quite good if they succeed. I strongly doubt the final "gridless" design will be less than excellent from CX perspective. All Tesla cars are the most aerodynamically efficient in their categories, obviously, since they need to squeeze every possible mile from those batteries. They just can't afford otherwise.
Whether you and I like it or not aesthetically, of course, is a different story. I was not criticizing your sense of aesthetics, I was just sharing mine.

Anyway, we'll see how the final design looks like...