I currently have ~20GB free, but that is only because I've done what I really didn't want to have to do and turned on "optimise space" in iCloud Photo Library. I have 45GB of photos/videos in iCloud and I'd really rather have high quality* versions of them all on my phone

This is a key reason my next iPad will likely be the maxed out storage version. It tends to be my device that I show photos on the most, especially with family in areas with poor internet coverage. (As in they have cellular where I end up roaming with a whopping 50MB of data before being cut off.)
I don't use Apple Music, I tried using it to sync my music library and it was awful. Some things failed to sync completely, some things were replaced with live versions of studio songs, some things were replaced with unrelated tracks, etc.
Someone got to the bottom of the odd matching issues. iTunes Match has a great system that worked in almost all cases, this was the old $25 a year service that is still burred in there somewhere. Apple Music had it's own matching system, and it's where the mismatches started coming in. If someone had iTunes Match still active, it ended up disabling the Apple Music matching and continued working well. Apple at some point retired the Apple Music matching system, and swapped in the iTunes Match one for all Apple Music users. I'm guessing the one in Apple Music initially was from the Beats side.