Very interesting. This all definitely shows the different use cases of people and their mobile devices. I really don't have any interest in keeping everything on my phone. Even if I did, I've gone so fully into streaming music that I don't even feel like downloading everything to my phone. I'd rather just stream it, and I'm almost never out of cell or WiFi coverage.
Similarly for photos, any time I want to show someone some photos on my phone, I'm almost always on WiFi, and even if I'm not, my cellular plan is more than enough to bring up a dozen photos of my son to show someone who's interested. One of my absolute favorite things about the Google Photos app is how it completely blurs the distinction between photos on the phone and photos on the cloud. I never even know where it ends and I don't care. I regularly just go in and tell it to wipe all the photos on my phone that have already backed up, and it does it for me, but functionally everything still looks the same.
Between those two things, and the fact that I never watch video on my phone, I honestly don't need more than a 32GB phone. But you guys use your phones differently so I can see how you need way more space. I don't think, however, that any of these companies should have been releasing 16GB phones as of about 2 years ago. That's when they should have moved to 32GB as the baseline. There never should have been a 16GB phone capable of 4K video. That's just anti-consumer.
I certainly can't wait for the iPhone 7 to come out, because then I'll have a lot less work to do