Current status of project:
- Sparkfun Purpletooth Jamboree board acquired after a bit of a wait for it to come back into stock (thanks, elperepat!).
- Purpletooth board tested, successfully pairs with my Honda stereo and survives power cycles and re-pairs automatically afterward. Empeg's output into the bluetooth into the car stereo sounds good.
- Confirmed that it accepts bluetooth commands from my factory car stereo. At least I think it does. It should. Though the empeg doesn't yet accept serial commands from the sparkfun board, I can at least press "pause" on my car stereo touchscreen and the sparkfun board mutes its output. I'm pretty sure that's what it's doing at least, since the pause button on the board itself also does the same thing.

To do:
- Figure out how to get the serial output of the Sparkfun board to change tracks and play/pause on the empeg itself.
- Options are: (a) Additional arduino piggyback board to translate sparkfun board's output into empeg-serial-input-compatible commands, or (b) Hijack kernel patch as Shonky suggested.
- Since I know how to do (a) but not (b), I might go that route.
- I need to learn the stuff in the undertanding the BC127 guide to do either of the above.

IMG_2624.JPG (2434 downloads)

Tony Fabris