The main reason I gave up on both devices, though, was battery problems. I was constantly having trouble with battery life.

Me too, at least for the early Roombas. They'd work great at first, but then the battery would be useless after a surprisingly short time.

Honestly though, I'd be happy to have to replace the battery pack once in a while if it could just not get stuck on clutter.

I kind of wish you could tell the robot vacuums to just skip an area.

You can tell the Neato to avoid areas, you can draw out shapes in the app on the map it generates.

Indeed, you can tell the robots to avoid certain areas. Even the old random-walk roombas at least had a little infrared transmitter thingy you could put down which kept the roomba out of a given area. My older model Neeto is too old to have a fancy app, but at least it came with a roll of magnetic strip material that you could lay down that it would sense and avoid.

My issue with the "skip an area" thing is twofold:

1. My problem is my housemates leaving tangly shit on the floor, and they do that randomly, and everywhere.

2. It's a workaround to a basic design flaw which defeats the entire purpose of having a robot do the work in the first place. I was promised Rosie from The Jetsons, and I think I should be able to get at least a little closer to that.

Tony Fabris