Hey guys;

This is an old thread, but I thought I'd show ya'll how I got ethernet going on my car docking sled. sorry they are low quality - PXT camera on my cellphone :|

Did have to drill 2 small holes in the sled, but you might be able to do a similar thing with glue on the bottom instead of bolts, tho it might not be so sturdy.

I have tapered the nose of the plug with a craft knife, and removed the locking tab. I found some plastic spacers that would hold the connector at the right height and used some gripping washers top and bottom to clamp the plug in place.

it is rigidly mounted, but I havent had any problems with locatiing it when inserting so far - be precise when building it

Took about 1/2 hour to make and so now my home dock is all IP-ed up!

215627-empegEth0.jpg (194 downloads)

ToolPeg: 010101886 Mk2a 120Gb GrillPeg: 010101956 Mk2a 80gb