I'm just concerned because I'm not sure I didn't register with my old work address. I no longer work at that company, so I can't re-register to check to see what response I get. I don't have any email confirmation cause I hosed my hard drive and lost everything. Unfortunately I didn't have it backed up.

I've dropped a note to rob@empeg, but I'm sure he's swamped with similar emails so I'm not expecting much.

That's why I thought a quickie web page that hit the db to look up info would be useful. Something that requested your email address and zip code (those would probably be best to avoid typo errors that could screw up the query) and would return whether you had registered, what number, etc, in the form of another web page.

Obviously in my case, if I registered with my old work address, getting an email sent there would do me no good.
