Well, I'm totally disappointed in all of you!

Ever since I introduced the Low/Medium/High VolAdj settings, nobody has bothered to point out that they all sound exactly the same! I mean, really! And you call yourselves beta testers! Hmmph.

The code has been there all along, it just never got invoked as near as I can tell. So Low/High were using the default (Medium) Vol\Adj parameters.

Anyway, while I was cleaning things up I noticed it and fixed it.

Announcing: v49: The Ultimate Empenguin Release
-- VolAdj Low & High actually work for the first time ever
-- turned off USER_DEBUG and FRAME_POINTER in the kernel config, saving memory
-- a few KB of dead IDE driver code now #if'd out for EMPEG, saving memory
-- the KNOB code in hijack is #if'd out for the Mk.1 kernel, saving memory
-- I think these kernels are now smaller than the stock v200v3 kernels


Edited by mlord (09/11/2001 11:56)