Mk1 players have TWO ide controllers! Cool. Anyone got 4 drives in their Mk1 player yet?

Don't think so It's a bit short on space. Hmmm, the max height of the disks in a MkI is 19.5mm (according to and there are the 9.5mm disks... Even room for a layer of double sided tape!

Then there's the power supply issue - don't know if it could supply 4 disks...

I'm currently in the process of swapping disks, have a MkI with 10+18G, a MkIIa with a 10G and a loose 30G drive. Final config will be 10+10 in the MkI and 30+18 in the MkII, all data from the MkI transfered to the MkII.
Disk to disk copy is slower than I expected (no numbers tho)
