Robricc :
Thanks! But that one I knew. I use it very frequently. That one and the <flag>+<R> command.
H_Blake :
I've unlocked the taskbar, but I really don't see what this option does. After I enbled quicklaunch again (curtosy of Diznario), I did have to unlock it to be able to scroll further to the right, to enable more thumbnails on the task bar. Is this really all this feature does?
Diznario :
1) I've got my quick launches back! Yay! Thanks a lot!
2) I am using tweak UI. I have used this since win'98 (in those times this little handy util even came with the OS on the CD)
3)This one is a mystery to me. I can't really locate what you're trying to say. Little double arrow in the corner? >>? Sorry, can't seem to find it. On the left hand side of explorer there's my folders overview (directory structure + the rest). I've looked but can't see >>
I've always put my explorer in 'details' format because I want to see everything about my files. I know XP has a new "tiles" and "pictogram" format (I hope I'm translating this correctly), but this is not what I'm looking for. I have way too many files and the only way to provide a descent overview is with the "details" option. But with '98 and 2000 I could see a preview of the file on the left side of my "details" section. I would very much to have this feature back.
I'm not turning everything off that differs Xp from 2000. (I sure hope XP differs in more things than just it's cosmetics, because that's all I've changed) I'm using the "old style" taskbar because I find it easier to use after 5 years of habitual use and I switched the desktop theme to "windows classic". Mostly because in Eudora, all my windows were outlined with a bright blue line, which was very annoying to type in. I did like the new XP look, or at least I could get accustomed to it, but you try typing long emails in those flashy boxes and see what you do!
Where can I find this "clear type" you're mentioning?
Drakino :
Thanks for showing me the way to ungroup my taskbar item. I can't believe I've missed that one. Actually, this is one feature I'm still in doubt of weather I'll leave it like that and get used to it or disable it. I can see the benfits of it though, so I think I'll give it a go.
Thanks all!