A couple of things...But first let me say we all appreciate this code!!!
First, if you stack commands to navigate the menu system. Sometimes it won't be just right due to the speed of the commands being issued. I used one that was about seven commands long. About 50% of the time the last Menu/OK command was missed. Not a big deal. But if there were a Pause command, we could have slight pause where we need. Or stack them to have a longer pause when we desired. Example: 00854112=0020DF12,0020DF10,0020DF10,0020DF12,0020DF11,0020DF11,0020DF12 ;EQ
Changed to something like:
00854112=0020DF12,0020DF10,0020DF10,0020DF12,0020DF11,0020DF11,PAUSE,0020DF12 ;EQ
Secondly, Yes I know there is an easier way to the EQ, just using that as an example.
P.S. This is an Alpine remote code.
Sonic Blue 03 Cobra Vert Owner!!!