I make my living working on Macs, so yeah, I knew about OS X. That's why I didn't list it when I mentioned 9. But it's a lot more than the BSD roots it's built on. It's also the only large-scale consumer-level distribution with a compelling array of ISV support.
Anyway, I was tired of the advocacy thing 10 years ago. People blast everything that's big and everything that that doesn't somehow give away or open its proprietary formats.
I still maintain that if you don't have access, in one way or another, to Excel, whether you like it or not, you should look around to see if you're living in a cave. :)
Anyway, the most appropriate form for posting of the codes would be a clear and well laid out web page over at riocar.org. Then people wouldn't be forced to keep their own little private lists.
Now if only I could import playlists in excel format into the empeg. And OpenType fonts...