Ok, the patch file is attached to this post.
The patch file has been created against the v2.00-beta3 version of the kernel. The patching should go as follows:
% cd kernel/arch/arm/special
% patch < audio_overlay.patch
It modifies the empeg_audio3 and empeg_mixer files. The changes won't affect existing applications, therefore the player and other applications should run as before.
Using the audio overlay system is very simple. When you open the /dev/audio device in your code, you need to specify the O_SYNC flag to determine that you want to overlay audio with the player application.
For example:
int handle = open( "/dev/audio", O_WRONLY | O_SYNC );
That's all. Now, every time you write something to the handle, it will automatically fade the volumes and mix the audio.
46906-audio_overlay.patch (277 downloads)