Yeah, Ford went real far in coming up with a "modern" exterior. Ugh again. I don't think Daimler-Chrysler has anything to worry about.

Ah, Bruno, I just figured it out, looked at your picture on the profile page: you're just a youngster, you're too young to understand.

The GT-40 is a piece of history, certainly one of the most important and revered racing cars in the history of automotive competition. When the GT-40s finally beat the all-conquering Ferraris at LeMans, not only beat them but finished first-second-third, it was... I don't have the words. I'm guessing this happened before you were even born, so I don't really expect you to understand the significance, the the total charisma and desirability that the reincarnation of such a treasured icon would have for one of my generation.

No, it's not "modern" looking -- it is a classic shape from a bygone era that despite all rational bean-counting objectives Ford has decided to bring back. I feel that if Ford produces 100 of them a year, sells them for $100,000 apiece, and loses $100,000 on each and every one of them, it will nonetheless be money very well spent in terms of image and prestige.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"