OK... sending the different init string gave me exactly the same response... which would lead me to suspect I am not talking to the serial port properly...

As I have very little idea about talking to serial ports from within the kernel I am quite happy to admit defeat here and just stick with being able to detect the presence of the tuner at all...

I have attached the current patch to hijack 232 I am playing with if anyone feels like taking a look and pointing out all my glaring errors (there are a few I am sure)... The patch still has my debugging in it and fails to detect the tuner... also I was wrong reading what I was getting back from the tuner earlier... I am actually getting 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff back no matter what tuner ID I set (rather than 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x37 as I originally though).



76439-tuner_detect.patch.gz (84 downloads)