Just for reference, here is the new kernel code in Hijack v242. It simply looks for "ANIM", backs up 4 bytes, and looks for a valid offset. If that's okay, it blindly goes to that offset for the animation.



// look for custom animation at tail end of kernel flash partition:
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(EMPEG_FLASHBASE + 0x10000 + 0xa0000 - 4);
if (p[0] == 'A' && p[1] == 'N' && p[2] == 'I' && p[3] == 'M') {
unsigned int offset = *(unsigned int *)(p - 4);
if (offset >= 0x90000 && offset < (0xa0000 - (1024 + 8 + 8))) {
printk("Found custom animation at offset 0x%x\n", offset);
ani_ptr = (unsigned long *)(EMPEG_FLASHBASE + 0x10000 + offset);