Ahh yes, they do something I do on my own server as well. I recently converted my server to PostFix, and gained an alias ability that has been handy. Now whenever I fill out a form that I need info from, but am afraid of spam, I do an address like drakino_spamcom@miniinfo.net. It's perfectly valid, and is easy to then filter if that site starts spamming me. I use different ones for different sites so I can learn who sold my info. riocar@miniinfo is an example of this too, as the site uses a few aliases for me so I know what the problem is.

For anyone out there with a ton of soam, the best thing to do is change your address and start using these services from day one. I still have my @usa.net address, and it continues to get spammed heavially. My new address though has avoided most of it.