What about fullsize maybe, I mean actual size.

I need a little help w/using Lojack. I can upload via FTP all the required files & folders. I can reach the required files via my browser (IE 6.0.26) the right windows open and I see the player but the remote window is empty. I've tried uploading the files from the ZIP as is foldes intact and tried just uploading the whole ZIP file, both under a folder on my player as 'www'. I'm running W98 BTW & using WS_FTP as the ftper.
Any ideas on what's wrong?
OK,OK figured out what I was doing wrong, I was using a FTP fav link in my browser instead of HTTP link. This thing is amazing don't know why I didn't try it earlier.

Edited by jwickis (17/03/2002 12:22)