The whole point of more wattage isn't necessarily to have higher volume. It's so that you don't have to push your amplifier to the edge of its capacity when you want to listen to the music and a moderately loud volume. Having "power to spare" is a good thing even if you never play the music loud. It means that the music you play will be cleaner and less noise-prone even when playing at low to medium volumes.
(Sorry to quote so much.) So the idea is that greater wattage does equal greater max volume, not (obviously) that you have to run it that loud all the time. And the farther away from its max at which the amp is actually working usually means that you get a cleaner signal to the speakers (probably due to the fact that it's easier for it to increase and decrease its power output quickly?). (BTW, analog and power electronics are PFM to me.)
Bitt Faulk