well that is part of the game, finding speakers that sound good and are efficient. I think both my jl series are very efficient.. i am running 2 sets of components and a 10" sub off a ppi 4400.2 it doesn't overheat and it soudns good (albeit in need of further tuning)

But that is part of the deal.. any you really need to wade thru the crap that people boast xxx watts.. there are certain names that are more known for clean pure amps. I had an xtant amp that was like 25x2 competition power, it pounded the HELL out of 2 10's that i had that were very power hungry, and never even warmed up. your ave amp goes about $1 a watt, step that up to $2 a watt and you get a much better amp IMHO. There again, crap components with fantastic tuning will sound the same or better then great components with crap tuning. Stay away from place s like audio express, payfor decent stuff, or do the install yourself and order online.

caraudioforums.com is a much larger bbs about this sort of thing, you may want to check it out.

If you want my opinions on it, i have yet to find a manufacturer that puts oout the consistently good amps like ppi for anywhere near the price. So i would say get precision power amp(s)

maybe this amp for your components

or this for a full system

this for subs

xtant is great but they are more expensive.

could throw this in for the highs for a nice clean sound

Edited by rockstar (03/04/2002 23:27)