In regards to the Panasonic RW discs, again, I think these are computer drive deals. There are RW discs for consumer players out there.

Also, Philips has 3 players out. You should check them out too. They don't have the editing features due to the lack of a hard drive, but the DVDR985 is on the less expensive side of the market, and therefore a little more attractive.

The big problem with these players for me is that the companies that are making them seem to be targetting them as PVRs. As the owner of a Tivo, that annoys me. Most of these DVD recorders have their own TV tuner in them. Why would I want that? Why not spend that money on a hard disk like you said?

Hopefully, in the future, there will be more varied models out there, including one that is simply a DVD player that records editable video.