Settle down class, settle down....Lets begin.
We have 5 basic formats of consumer DVD writing abilities.
First to the market was DVD-RAM, good for data backup and thats about it.
Next came DVD-R (write once) and DVD-RW (re-write) drives (think of it like a CD-r CD-RW drive).
Compatability rates for DVD-R and standalone DVD players I believe are at about 90% (thats what seems most people want out of DVD burners, ability to burn DVD's like Videotapes).
Next came DVD+RW (competeing format with DVD-RW and somewhat DVD-R) Offered a few features beyond DVD-RW and DVD-R, but compatability was not there.
Finally combo drives with DVD+R and DVD+RW came along (think last month to be exact). DVD+R supposedly offers better combatability with home DVD units, but the price of media is still more expensive.
This is another good sign of the 'ole Betamax vs. VHS battle that happened in the late '70's early '80's. Who will win is anybo*riinnggggggggggggggggggg*
Class dissmissed and dont forget I want a 100 word essay on why that 'no name' media is not good for overburning!
VW R32
Empeg 50gig
'Stormy 3 has snuck in a dodgeball' - Stormy 1