I used to. Took 5 years of it. It's suprising how little of that language you can learn in 5 years

what I got out of visiting the district is that there were a hell of a lot of things all crammed into one place (but it's Tokyo, and the same applies to humans all over the city). At the time, Sony was still pushing MD. You have no idea. There were MD devices in litterally every store front, almost all over them. Everywhere you looked there were MD devices and discs. If I had had more money at the time, I might have even bought some of that! (I had/have an MD player/recorder).

Anyway, it's a cool place to go, but it's hard to find something when you're there, let alone by remote.

ps-I have to say, I didn't like Tokyo one bit. I felt claustrophobic 24 hours a day. It was a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there (and I was there for about 3 weeks!). So Tokyo wasn't my favorite city in the world, or even Japan. I hope your friend is getting out into the country or any of the smaller cities.