Let's see. Let me check.
It looks like I mentioned the feature indirectly in passing
But apparently

the only place I actually made this request was in a
PM to Tony on 6/26. Here is a little excerpt from it.
In reply to:
I'd like to request an exception to the "no bugs in FAQ" rule. The
inability to set Wendy Flags in Soup Views caused me days of
frustration. And the "must clear filters, reshuffle, re-set new
filter" bug (which I just reported) combined with that had me pulling
my hair out for days trying to figure out why I couldn't get Wendy
Filters to work. You'll probably save at least a couple other people
some major hassle if you FAQify those two points until they are fixed.
I've also found it useful to do an advanced search on "wendy!=0"
This is a handy feature that seems to work, but doesn't appear to be
documented in the FAQ discussion of advanced search options.
No harm, no foul.

I certainly didn't mean to cast aspersions on
the on-the-ballness of our FAQtastic FAQmeister or the
RioCar.org-organizer, both of whom have done and are doing excellent
jobs. (This is the most complete, useful (and pretty) FAQ I may have
seen to date. Though on a slow modem some of those pages take a while
to pull down; but that's probably much better than having to click
through an enormous HTML hierarchy of pages.)