OK. Here's a question for you all, since there seems to be at least ONE person on this BBS who has knowledge of ANYTHING
Does anyone have any personal experience with either the Cy-visor or i-Glasses SVGA 3D head mounted display? I am playing around with a rather neat application of stereo VR-type thing, and have been looking for a low-cost(ish) high resolution 3D HMD of some sort. Much research has lead me to the conclusion that HMDs fall into one of three categories:
1) Crap, and expensive
2) Good, and Ouch!
3) Very good, and holy feck!! (I mean, $37500 described as 'modestly priced'?)
The Cy-visor and i-Glasses seem to be the best price/performance ratio of any I can find, and for what they are are pretty cheap. That said, $1400 is a little much to just throw away, even if I can persuade someone else to foot most of the bill

I'd ideally like some info from someone who's actually used one of the things, to get an idea of whether they are actually worth the money.
So. Anyone? Anyone?