This is a perfectly valid wish, so by saying this I'm not trying to poo-poo your idea.
No worries, I only get ticked off when a question for information is poo-poo'd for reasons not related to the actual information I was seeking. See? I'm
not bitter.

(Actually, the reason I started using bookmarks is because I tucked my [Guitar Tuning] playlist into one of them.)
But in the event that this wish doesn't come true or takes a long time to come true...
Which would not surprise me in the least (only because I know what it's like to be bombarded by feature requests).

Did you know that you can use the number keys on the remote control to jump to a given menu item? For instance, on my player, MENU-7 gets me to bookmarks.
Oooh, no, I didn't know that. Of course, my remote is aaaaalllll the way over by my bed, and the player is just inches away from my keyboard.
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to train myself to bring the remote from beside the bed when I get up in the morning.