While attempting to patch the hijack src tree up to 340, I get a patch failure (pasted below). Easy enough to fix, but it appears to be a minor ack-ptooey-pbthththt.
The patch for hijack.c looks for the version define to be "v338", not "v339" as I would expect.
.rej file:
*** 1,6 ****
// Empeg hacks by Mark Lord <mlord@pobox.com>
- #define HIJACK_VERSION "v338"
const char hijack_vXXX_by_Mark_Lord[] = "Hijack "HIJACK_VERSION" by Mark Lord";
--- 1,6 ----
// Empeg hacks by Mark Lord <mlord@pobox.com>
+ #define HIJACK_VERSION "v340"
const char hijack_vXXX_by_Mark_Lord[] = "Hijack "HIJACK_VERSION" by Mark Lord";
removed 'oops' references