In other posts on this board (projects I think) there was a mention that the empeg could be talked to as a general/generic serial device under linux. this would imply that you could do the same under win32 if a device driver for generic serial comms is available. On the empeg, you would have to run minicom or similar (the linux equivelent of hyperterminal) and tell it that the comm device was /dev/usb. you could then do a simple send file from hyperterminal pointing to comX: (the usb serial device) and the same the other way using sz or rz (zmodem transfer.)
Currently i am running minicom on a linux box and file sending to /dev/empeg-car, and at the command line on the empeg just using
cat /dev/usb >filename . It's rough but it works.

I do the same in reverse to get the files off at the other end. what I need at a minimum is to figure out something a bit nicer at the empeg end. Of course ppp would be better but i 'm only a newbie at the linux game. with a bit of luck one of the linux gurus will help out. plead plead ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H

" 'tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"