Well, thinking a little more about it ...
I suppose you could do something with one of those wireless base-stations or something to that effect. I don't know, wireless is still somewhat hard to get here unless you order it online or something. Still even with wireless I am not sure about applications for it. The main reason for that being the sled-concept that holds the empeg. It's just as easy and far cheaper to just pull the empeg from the car once you are on your home/work destination. Now if the unit was fixed (i.e. not removable from the car) I could understand a desire for connectivity to your home/work network. But as it is ? I know I am not ever in a million years going to leave mine in the car (when at home / work). They can steal the car if they want to but they will have to pry my empeg from my dead hand

. (call this the company-car effect

I guess to make a long story, WHY?
Mk2 - Blue - 080000431